The New York Times published an article lately with
the title “52 Places to Love in 2021”. They listed our Lahore on that list. Before
the publication of the article, they have asked the suggestions from the people
about their favorite sports and other things that kept them delighted and inspired
during 2020. In the end, they listed 52 places out of 2000 suggestions that were
to convey hope that the world still awaits.
Lahore was suggested by a freelance writer named “Haneen
Iqbal” a resident of Toronto., Canada.
He stated “Especially in winter, this city nourishes you. It opens its arms yo you, then feeds you and wraps you in a hug.' according to an excerpt from the piece, which went on to add that the citizens of Lahore are 'just regular people living their regular lives, and they are so alive in the present, while always connected to their past".